Pulteney Street Survey
Celbrating Blackwell

Continuing the celebration of the Elizabeth Blackwell Award on Feb. 3, 2021, Professor of Women’s Studies Betty Bayer facilitated a virtual conversation with Janice P. Nimura, author of The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering Sisters Brought Medicine to Women and Women to Medicine, a dual biography of Dr. Blackwell and her sister, Emily, who earned her medical degree shortly after Elizabeth. Professor of Art and Architecture A.E. Ted Aub III and head winemaker at Hosmer Winery Julia Hoyle ’11 conducted a conversation about the spaces and objects in Geneva, N.Y., that Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell lived in and visited, as well as the ways in which she is remembered. Aub created the Elizabeth Blackwell sculpture dedicated in 1994 that rests on the Hobart Quad.