Spring 2025: Tuesday, January 21 to Monday, January 27 (Extended drop/add from Tuesday, January 28 through Monday, Febreuary 3)


Fall 2024: Students have until Friday, March 14, 2025 to make a change in grading option for a course taken in Fall 2024. See Change of Grading Option form on the Forms page.

Spring 2025: Students have until Friday, September 26, 2025 to make a change in grading option for a course taken in Spring 2025. Seniors have until the end of week 11 (April 11) to request a grading option change. See Change of Grading Option form on the Forms page.


The incomplete, or “I,” is a temporary grade indicating that a student has been granted permission by the instructor or the dean to complete work for a course after the end of the semester without penalty. A request for an incomplete must be supported with a credible account of the student’s problem and with documents (a note from a physician, for example) wherever appropriate. An instructor may grant an incomplete for any part of the semester’s work except the final examination; only a dean can excuse a student from a final examination.

It is understood by both the student and faculty member that when an incomplete is granted, the student is responsible for submission of work and the faculty member is responsible for submission of the final grade by the deadlines listed below. When a faculty member includes an “I” grade on the grade roster they will also be required to submit the “current” letter grade for the course, calculated including all incomplete work for the course, along with comments indicating what work is incomplete. The student’s transcript will show an “I” for the course until either they complete the remaining work or until the deadline for incompletes passes. Once the completed work has been graded by the faculty member a final grade will be indicated on the transcript. If the deadline passes without an updated grade, the transcript will reflect the “current” letter grade submitted at the time of the incomplete.

For fall semester incompletes, it is required that all outstanding student work be completed and submitted by the fourth week of spring semester and the final grade submitted by the faculty member to the registrar by the end of the sixth week. For spring semester incompletes, it is required that all outstanding student work be completed and submitted by the end of the fall semester drop/add period and the final grade submitted by the faculty member to the registrar by the end of the second week. In the event the student does not complete the outstanding work for the incomplete, the student's grade earned in the course will be determined by the professor, and will include zero credit for any assignments that were not completed (e.g. if the missed assignment is worth 20% of the final grade, the student would receive a zero for that assignment, and the final grade would include that zero score).

An extension in time to complete the work may be granted if a petition is submitted to the appropriate dean’s office on or before the deadline. An accepted petition is an agreement between the student and faculty member that the work will be completed and graded by a specific time and allows the grade to be changed from “I” to the grade earned. Any student who takes more than two incompletes over three consecutive semesters is reviewed by the Committee on Standards.

Contact: Course Instructor


Fall 2024: Friday, February 21
Spring 2025: Friday, September 12


Fall 2024: Friday, December 6
Spring 2025: Monday, May 5 (Seniors - April 11)


March 7, 2025 - Deadline for Juniors to declare Minors
March 14, 2025 - Deadline for Sophomores to Declare Major
March 14, 2025 - Deadline for Seniors Declaring additional majors/minors


Major Audit and Minor Declaration
All third year students (juniors) must complete and file prior to spring break.

Contact: Registrar's Office

Declaration of Major
All sophomores must file prior to spring break.

Contact: Registrar's Office

Repeating courses
Courses can only be repeated for a letter grade, and not for CR/NC/DCR. Repeating courses in which a D or F grade was given may be helpful in raising GPA.If a course is repeated, the highest letter grade will be calculated in the GPA. However, credit will only be awarded once; students may not earn duplicate credit for the same course. All grades are recorded on the Official Transcript. Courses repeated at other institutions are not included in the GPA.

Courses listed as "repeatable" due to varying topics follow different rules. Different topics may be taken for credit, but both grades remain in the GPA.

Contact: Registrar's Office