The Counseling Center
To schedule an appointment, please call (315) 781-3388 to speak with our office manager, Vanessa Rauscher, during business hours. If you are calling after hours, please leave a message with your name and phone number, or, send us an email at counselingcenter@hws.edu and we will contact you to assist with scheduling. If you would like to schedule online, please utilize the link below and click “Schedule First Appointment.” Additional free teletherapy appointments with clinicians from multicultural backgrounds and a variety of specialties are available through our telehealth partner, Mantra. Click below to schedule with a Mantra therapist. Can’t find an appointment? Call 315-781-3388 (select option 0) and our office manager will assist you in finding a time that works with your schedule. Location: 91 St. Clair Street, Geneva NY 14456 After Hours Emergencies: (315) 781-3388Contact
Phone: (315) 781-3388
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1:15 p.m.-5 p.m.
(to reach our crisis hotline and choose option 1)
Our Mission
The Counseling Center's mission is to provide high-quality, confidential psychological services that facilitate student progress toward age-appropriate, healthy and mature psychological and social development. These include counseling, prevention and crisis services focused on emotion-regulation and self-care, exploration of personal identities, establishing and maintaining healthy interdependent relationships, and developing life-skills necessary to thrive in adulthood. The Counseling Center also provides crisis services in support of safety of our students and the campus community, and provides psychological consultation to students, faculty, staff and families of our students.
The Counseling Center is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services, Inc.
How To Get Help
Students can access services by calling the Counseling Center at (315) 781-3388. Urgent care is available 24/7 via the Colleges' Crisis Counseling service, ProtoCall. If a student communicates any risk to self or others, you can call 315-781-3388 and press option 1 to connect them to these crisis services, call campus safety (315-781-3333) or call 911. You can also provide the Counseling Center phone number directly to students so that they can contact crisis services at any time.
As always the counseling Center will be available to consult with you if you have questions or concerns. If you need advice on how to help students in distress, please feel free to reach out directly to Tasha (Prosper@hws.edu) for further assistance.
Release of Information Form Requests
- Tele-Health Consent Form (pdf)
- Administrative Release Form (pdf)
- Home Provider Release Form (pdf)
- Medical Leave Release Form (pdf)