Bridging the Centennial Center's work in the leadership and entrepreneurship arenas is our Innovation Series. These skill-based workshops take place in curricular and co-curricular settings. Topics include problem-solving, idea-generation, pitching and presenting, creative-thinking, strategic decision-making and affecting and managing change. 

Innovation Series Session Topics

Problem-Solving: Through interactive activity and small group learning, students are introduced to various tools and processes that define a problem to develop a specific solution. This session is excellent when paired with content that supports new ideas and initiatives to tackle complex, global issues. Creative problem-solvers are necessary in every industry and this session provides vital skills that students can take into multiple disciplines.

Idea Generation: Developing an idea from scratch is no easy task. This session delivers the creative prompts necessary to get the creative juices flowing. With important brainstorming exercises, students become acquainted with the power of ideas, the ability to iterate ideas and the necessary discipline to decipher a strong idea from a weak one. Can be tailored to any project where ideas are required.

Pitching and Presenting: In today’s busy marketplaces, messaging an idea is critical for success. This session explores the components of an effective pitch. From an engaging first hook to a compelling finish, students learn the assembly of a pitch and how to leverage it for any audience. Most ideas have to be pitched to gain necessary buy-in before change can happen.

Creative-Thinking: Encouraging creative-thinking for group projects is an important task for a leader. This session explores the creative process and offers multiple tools for drawing it out with group members. Developed on the fundamental principle that creativity can be learned, students learn to play with ideas, explore alternatives, innovate solutions and design new thinking patterns.

Strategic Decision-Making: Context matters in any decision-making process. This session offers various analytical tools designed to explore strategies and determine solutions for complex decisions. Adaptable for most any context, students acquire skills that position them as strong leaders who work with others towards shared visions and common goals.

Affecting and Managing Change: Leaders are the primary force behind change. Most leaders will assume roles that require them to affect and manage some sort of change in a local or global context. This session explores the actions plans needed to introduce a change, manage resistance, meet goals and collect feedback.

How to Take Part

If you’re interested in requesting an Innovation Series workshop for your class, department or program, please contact us for more information and to schedule a session.