chemistry competition


Justin Miller
Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Donnie Golden
University of Delaware

Alyson Mitchell
University of California at Davis

Due date for entries is December 15, 2023, at noon EST.

Rules & Regulations
Submit a Competition Entry


The AGFD Communicating Culinary Chemistry Competition: Coastal Cuisine, will take place during the American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in New Orleans, ACS Spring 2024. The competition itself is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse, with finalist team preparations on Monday, March 18 at the same location.

The competition is sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (AGFD) of the American Chemical Society.


Entries should relate to cooking with coastal cuisine, interpreted broadly. Among other possibilities, entries could focus on dishes that feature coastal ingredients; techniques that exploit or highlight the physical/chemical properties of these ingredients; or chemical transformations that showcase some other aspect of cooking in coastal cuisines.


Teams may consist of up to 4 students. Students must be currently enrolled at an accredited college at the date of the competition. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. All team members must be student members of the ACS, though intent to join before the conference is acceptable.


Initial proposals consisting of a video portion and a written portion will be submitted electronically.


A video (3 minute limit) should be related to the intended final presentation, and could (but does not have to) show a portion or overview of the intended final presentation.

Video submissions should convey plans for a live presentation rather than a polished video product. Extensive video editing and effects are discouraged. Video submissions are capped at 25 MB.

The written component (2-page limit, single-spaced, 12 pt font) should provide an overview and description of the team’s interactive component.

Entries must include a list of supplies and ingredients needed on a separate (additional, third) page.

Modest revision of presentations between the entry date and the final competition is acceptable.

Deadline: Due date for entries is December 15, 2023 at noon EST for online submission.

Prizes: Finalist teams receive complimentary registration to ACS Spring 2024 in New Orleans, and $600 per team member for travel costs. Supplies and ingredients will be provided for finalists.

Official Rules and Regulations

Click here for the complete set of competition rules and regulations.

Celebrity Judges

BrennenDickie Brennan
Managing Partner, Dickie Brennan & Co.

DeiblerKathryn Deibler
Ph.D., Principal Flavor Scientist at Haleon

MillerMs. Bobbi Miller
Palace Cafe Chef De Cuisine

TunickMichael Tunick
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Drexel University



The competition will be held at the restaurant Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse, located at 716 Iberville St. in the French Quarter. For more information, visit the restaurant's website.

Schedule for March 19, 2024 Event

  • 8 a.m. - Kitchen open for finalist team prep. Chef on site will give a kitchen safety talk
  • 10 a.m. - Doors open
  • 10:30 a.m. -  Formal presentations begin
  • 11:15 a.m. - Interactive presentation begins
  • 12:15 p.m. - Winner announced; lunch to follow
  • 1 p.m. - Event ends

Other Important Information

The timing for the entire event is during the spring ACS meeting, March 17-21.