10 June 2024 • Service Mulvaney '24 Receives National Civic Leadership Honor

For her service work in the Geneva community, North Carolina and Puerto Rico, Margaret Mulvaney ’24 was recognized nationally by AmeriCorps’ Partners for Campus-Community Engagement.

Margaret Mulvaney ’24 has been recognized nationally for her outstanding civic engagement and community service work by AmeriCorps’ Partners for Campus-Community Engagement, which recognizes outstanding students who have exemplified civic leadership during their higher education experience.

The Partners for Campus-Community Engagement honor is awarded to graduating or rising seniors who have exemplified their mission to build equitable and just relationships with communities to advance a democratic society for the public good.

“The honor of being recognized for the Partners for Campus-Community Engagement award has been a reminder of the meaningful relationships and impactful community experiences during my time at Hobart and William Smith,” says Mulvaney, who graduated magna cum laude in anthropology in May. “I am compelled to acknowledge Katie Flowers and Peter Budmen, who have encouraged me to not only make a change in the community of Geneva, but to extend my work in service engagement outside of Hobart and William Smith, especially through Alternative Spring Break trips both domestically and internationally.”

Mulvaney took her first alternative spring break trip to North Carolina, serving in a rural elementary school, facilitating sessions with Assistant Director of HWS’ Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning (CCESL) Peter Budmen ’15. When she returned to campus, she served as CCESL’s Civic Leader for Outreach. In this role, Mulvaney recruited students for American Red Cross blood drives, the Community Lunch program, Habitat for Humanity housing builds and holiday gift deliveries for children attending local head start programs. She recently returned from her second alternative spring break trip to Puerto Rico, where she spent 10-hour days on projects ranging from trail reconstruction and playground clean up to roof building.

“I also credit the Geneva Community,” says Mulvaney. “This town has been a constant source of inspiration and has challenged me to embrace service and collaboration with an open heart and mind. I have committed my time at Hobart and William Smith to strengthening the resiliency of Geneva. This recognition from Partners for Campus-Community Engagement reinforces the transformative power of partnership, community, and the uplifting of the Geneva community and the world beyond HWS. “

Mulvaney was recognized at an awards ceremony at Gannon University in Erie, Pa., on May 30.

Top: Margaret Mulvaney '24 and Ahmed Wise '24, who is joining the Peace Corps this summer, take a picture with President Mark D. Gearan at the recent Community Engaged Scholarship Forum.