23 April 2021 • AlumsEntrepreneurship Worden '87 Talks COVID Vaccine Distribution Strategies on Pulteney St. Podcast

A new season of the Pulteney Street Podcast with President Joyce P. Jacobsen launches this week, featuring an interview with Alan Worden '87, whose data analytics firm Community Data Platforms (CDP) is developing distribution infrastructure for COVID-19 vaccines.

A successful serial entrepreneur, Worden discusses his wide-ranging business background, CDP's work, including the goals and challenges of its COVID project, as well as his advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, his interdisciplinary education at HWS and his adventures sailing a sloop halfway around the world.

Worden is founder and CEO of CDP, which is on a mission to help leaders in nonprofits, government, and small businesses build smarter and stronger communities by harnessing the power of data analytics. CDP is based on the Nantucket Data Platform, a prototype community data platform Worden developed for ReMain Nantucket, a subsidiary of Wendy and Eric Schmidt's Schmidt Family Foundation (Eric was formerly CEO of Google). Worden has served as a Senior Advisor to ReMain for 10 years.

While CDP works on a range of issues affecting businesses and local municipalities, from economic development to climate change, the coronavirus response effort has taken center stage. Harnessing data analytics to develop a national distribution strategy for COVID-19 vaccines, CDP has devised an interdisciplinary approach to building a product that will enable local health departments not only to allocate the vaccines efficiently to those who need it but to instill confidence in the vaccines safety and effectiveness.

Read more about Worden and CDPs COVID-related work.

As a student, Worden was the founder of the Entrepreneur Club and a member of Kappa Alpha. He created his own interdisciplinary major integrating architectural studies with art history, furniture design and off-campus study in Paris and at Columbia University in New York which led to a career in real estate development, sales and hospitality.