Michael Tinkler

Michael C TinklerAssociate Professor of Art and ArchitectureChair, European Studies
Joined faculty in 1999
Ph.D., Emory University
B.A., Rice University
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Eighth- to 10th-century Europe, concentrating on buildings associated with members of the court of Charlemagne.
Courses Taught
Ancient to Medieval Art
Renaissance to Modern Art
Greek Art & Architecture
Medieval Monuments
Women and Art in the Middle Ages
Islamic Art & Architecture
Art of the First Christian Millennium
Roman Art & Politics
Art Historiography
Art of the Pilgrimage Roads
Medieval Laughter
The Vikings
The Anglo-Saxons
Foundations of the European Tradition
Director of the Rome term abroad (2003 & 2008)
in preparation – Book Review, Netzer, Nancy, ed. Secular/Sacred 11th-16th Centuries: Works from the Boston Public Library and The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. McMullen Museum of Art (distr. by University of Chicago Press), 2006 for The Medieval Review (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tmr/)
Accepted with suggested revisions – “Teaching the Thirteenth Century through Theater and Sculpture: the Theophilus Legend” –Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching (SMART).
under consideration – “Making Churchmen: Richard Upjohn and St. John’s Chapel at Hobart College” – submitted to New York History, the quarterly journal of the New York State Historical Association.
in progress – “1860/1960 – Two Episodes in Gothic Revival at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York.”
in progress – Medieval Laughter: Humor in the Middle Ages. Laurence Erussard and Michael Tinkler. Sample chapter in preparation for book proposal.
The Right to Write, Atlanta: Agnes Scott College, 1996. Edited the catalog of an exhibition of contemporary Arab and Islamic art from the National Gallery of Fine Arts, Jordan, based on text supplied by Jordanian curator.
I work on the interaction between architecture images, and words specifically the inscriptions which appeared on most medieval buildings and in association with much medieval monumental art. In pursuing this research I work on medieval literacy and the use of Latin in the early middle ages.
I am interested in the art and architecture of Islam as a teaching field rather than for research, but am pursuing some collaborative efforts in teaching Islam with colleagues both here at Hobart and William Smith and at other liberal arts colleges.