
John HalfmanProfessor Emeritus of Environmental Studies

Joined faculty in 1994

Ph.D., Duke University
M.S., University of Minnesota
B.S., University of Miami

Contact Information

Lansing HallPhone (315) 781-3918Personal Homepage

Scholarly Interest


Teaching Experience

Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN


2006-present Nutrient Loading and Lake/Watershed Interactions in the Owasco Watershed, JB Snow.
2005-present Water Quality Monitoring of the Finger Lakes, JB Snow.
1995-present Seneca and other Finger Lakes, High-Resolution Geophysical Studies, HWS Explorer & others.
1995-present Seneca Lake, Geochemical Tracers of Sedimentation Processes.
1995-present Seneca Watershed, Limnology and Surface Hydrogeology Study.
1999-present Eastern Lake Ontario Sands Transport Study.
1996-present Zurich Bog - Groundwater Flow and Hydrogeochemistry of Wetlands.
1994-present Limnological Impact of Zebra Mussels in Seneca Lake.
1995 Lake Malawi, East Africa, Deltaic Sedimentation Processes, RV Ndunduma.
1994 NC Continental Shelf, Underwater Vibrocoring, RV Cape Hatteras.
1993 Univ. of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center, Land-O-Lakes, WI.
1992 Lake Malawi, East Africa, Deltaic Sedimentation Processes, RV Timba.
1990 Lake Turkana, Kenya, Paleoclimatic Expedition.
1988 Lake Malawi, East Africa, Sediment Trap Expedition.
1984 Lake Turkana, Kenya, Sedimentology/Geophysics RV Halcyon & Nyanja.
1984 Blake Outer Ridge, Atlantic Ocean, Sedimentology, RV Cape Hatteras.
1983 Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, Geophysics, RV Nyanja.
1982 Lake Superior, Suspended Sediments Study, RV Viking.
1981 Lake Superior, Sedimentology/Geophysics, RV Laurentian.
1980 Lake Superior, Sedimentology/Geophysics, RV Roger Simons.

Courses Taught

The Fluid Earth
Environmental Hydrogeology
Introductory Environmental Science


(* denotes student co-authors):
Halfman, J.D., T.F. Ware*, and K.A. O'Neill*, 2008. The 2007 Progress Report: Phosphate and suspended sediment distribution and potential sources to southern Cayuga Lake. Finger Lakes Institute Report, Hobart and William Smith Colleges. 9 pg.

Halfman, J.D., E.S. Brown*, T.F. Ware*, K.A. O'Neill*, C.K. Franklin*, and R.E. Dye*, 2008. Owasco Lake, New York: Water Quality and Nutrient Sources. In: Halfman, J.D., M.E. Balyszak, and S.A. Meyer (eds.), A 2007 Water Quality Study of Owasco Lake, New York. Finger Lakes Institute Report, Hobart and William Smith Colleges. 37 pg.

Halfman, J.D., and C.K. Franklin*, 2008. Water Quality of Seneca Lake, New York: A 2007 Update. Finger Lakes Institute Report, Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

Halfman, J.D., C.M. Caiazza*, R.J. Steward*, S.M. Opalka*, and C.K. Morgan*. 2006., Major ion hydrogeochemical budgets and elevated chloride concentrations in Seneca Lake, New York. Northeastern Geology and Environmental Sciences, v. 28, p. 324-333.

Halfman, J.D., D.E. Dittman, R.W. Owens, and M.D. Etherington*, 2006. Storm induced redistribution of deepwater sediments in Lake Ontario. J of Great Lakes Research. 32: 348-360.

Riley*, T.C., T.A. Endreny, and J.D. Halfman, 2006, Monitoring soil moisture and water table height with a low-cost data logger. Computers and Geoscience. 32: 135-140.

Vollmer, M.K, H.A. Bootsma, R.E. Hecky, G. Patterson, J.D. Halfman, J.M. Edmond, D.H. Eccles, & R.F. Weiss, 2005, Deep-Water Warming Trend in Lake Malawi, East Africa. Limnology & Oceanography. 50: 727-732.

Dittman, D.E., Halfman, J.D., and Owens, R.W. 2005. Influence of Exotics and Physical Sedimentological Factors on Diporeia. Final Project Report USEPA.

Eyles, N., M Doughty, J.I. Boyce, H.T. Mullins, J.D. Halfman and B. Koseogulu*, 2


American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Geophysical Union
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Geological Society of America
National Association of Geology Teachers
Council on Undergraduate Research
New York State Federation of Lakes Association, Inc.
Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association


John Halfman teaches in the Department of Geoscience and Environmental Studies Program. He is also intimately linked with creation and development of the Finger Lakes Institute at the Colleges, accumulating over $4.2 million in funding over the past 4 years from state, federal and private foundation sources. Building on Lake Superior and the East African Rift Lake research before coming to HWS, his current research interests focus on the Finger Lakes and include the collection of limnological and hydrogeochemical data to investigate records of environmental change. Current projects include the hydrogeochemical impact of zebra mussels on these lakes, the source and fate of non-point source pollutants within these watersheds, and water quality variability between watersheds. He also investigates the high-resolution records of climate change that is preserved in the Holocene sediments of the Finger Lakes.