Rebecca Burditt

Rebecca BurdittAssociate Professor of Media and Society
Joined faculty in 2014
Ph.D., University of Rochester
B.A., Williams College
Contact Information
Scholarly Interest
Courses Taught
MDSC 200 Cultures of Advertising
MDSC 304 Media and Theory
MDSC 329 Global Musicals
MDSC 330 Humor in American Media
“Unruly Excess: Labor, Race, and The Pajama Game.” Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61, no. 5, (Summer 2022): 113-136.
“Death and Lipstick: Commercial Moments in Niagara.” The Journal of American Culture 41, no. 2 (June 2021): 1-17.
“Reality TV, Genre Theory, and Shaping the Real.” Teaching Media Quarterly 7, no. 3 (2019): 2-27.
With Leah Shafer. “Early Pharmaceutical Ads and Medicalized Consumers.” The Routledge Handbook of Health and Media, edited by Lester Friedman and Therese Jones. Routledge, 2021.
“Beneath the Surface and Between the Lines: Lesbian Form in Postwar Seventeen.” In Women’s Magazines in Print and New Media, edited by Noliwe Rooks, Victoria Rose Pass, and Ayana K. Weekley, 115-137. New York: Routledge, 2017.
“Baseball and The Bomb: Take Me Out to the Ball Game’s Myth for Postwar America.” In The Americanization of History: Conflation of Time and Culture in Film and Television, edited by Kathleen McDonald, 61-90. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.
“Tootsie.” In The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Film, edited by Salvador Jimenez Muguia, Erica Joan Dymond, and Kristina Fennelly, 419-424. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2019.
“James Dean.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History, edited by Joan Rubin and Scott Casper. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.