Elizabeth "Libby" Hughes '14

Elizabeth "Libby" Hughes '14
Current Position:
Manager FLX Fry Bird
Current Location:
Geneva, N.Y.

I am the former William Smith Rowing Assistant Coach and I was a William Smith Heron. I donate to Athletic Day of Donors. It’s one of the largest giving opportunities at the Colleges and it’s a chance to give back in a small way, while making a huge impact. My experience as a William Smith Heron completely changed my life. It was one of the best experiences I had in college. It helped me see, at a vulnerable part of my life, that who I wanted to be was not just a dream – it could become a reality. That’s something you cannot replicate. You need a really strong foundation of support in order to accomplish something like that. I donate today for a new boathouse. A new boathouse will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for these students. When we go back as alums, we get to see the product of our fundraising. When the Herons are in there working out every day, they get to see – not only a new boathouse – but also a legacy.