Colleges' Legal Name
Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Federal Unique Identifiers (SAM and DUNS numbers)
DUNS: 07-968-0203

Federal Tax ID Number (EIN)



Federalwide Assurance Number (for Protection of Human Subjects)

Nine-Digit Zip Code


Facilities and Administrative Costs (Indirect Costs)
The Indirect Cost rate for the Colleges is the federally negotiated rate for this institution. The Cognizant Agency is DHHS. A copy of the agreement can be found here.

  • On Campus Rate: 67% - Applied to base of salaries and wages, excluding fringe benefits.
  • Off Campus Rate: 21% - Contact Office of Sponsored Programs for confirmation prior to utilizing this rate.

Fringe Benefit Rate
28% on faculty summer salary & wages, except 18% for proposals to NIH (DHHS).

33% on full-time, 12-month non-faculty appointments.

To determine rate for faculty AY compensation, and for other non-faculty, contact Office of Sponsored Programs.

Fringe Benefit Rate for summer students
8.65% (FICA & Workers' Compensation only)

Mileage Reimbursement
See IRS website for standard mileage rates

Faculty Summer Salary Support (9 month appointment)
Salary ÷ 9 × the # or fraction of months of summer support. This is faculty effort expressed in “person-months.” Non-faculty use percentage of total calendar year base salary instead of person-months. Contact OSP with any questions.

Student Wages & Minimum Wage (as of 12/31/2022)
New York State's minimum wage rate is currently $14.20 and will increase over time to $15.00 based upon an indexed schedule to be set by the Director of the NYS Division of the Budget in consultation with the Department of Labor following an annual review.

Government Representatives

U.S. Senators
Charles E. Schumer (D) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D)

Congressional District

U.S. Representative
Claudia Tenney (R)

Senate District

State Senator
Pamela Helming (R)

Assembly District

State Assemblyman
Jeff Gallahan (R)

Congressional Districts
For off-campus projects, use the Find your Representative webpage to find the district in which your project will take place (required for applications).