Commencement 2010

Commencement Prayer
Chaplain Lesley Adams

May 16, 2010

"Gonna sing when the spirit says sing, Gonna shout when the spirit says shout." ~African American Spiritual

Spirit of Life, of Love, of laughter Spirit of music and near mayhem, We have felt your presence swirling among the Classes of 2010 this past week.

Be with us now piping our graduates awake; infusing our speakers with confidence; drawing graduates, families, and friends; staff and faculty into this moment of celebration.

May your radiance warm our hearts, inspiring us to follow the examples of hospitality, service, advocacy, and mentoring we will see in our honorees;

and making us ever grateful for the gifts of time and money, patience and mentoring, food and safety,

that have carried these graduates to rest a moment in these white chairs on this green quad on this fine, fine morning.

Let us "sing when the spirit says sing, shout when the spirit says shout." Amen.

The Psalmist said,

Clap your hands all you peoples shout to God with a cry of joy! (Ps. 47:1)

As you walk (or drive) into your future, "take your idealism with you." Risk acknowledging to yourself and to others that "you are somebody," that you can make a difference if you care.

And may the blessings of this "beautiful morning" go with you and remain with you always.