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HWS Soundings

The 'wild ways' of combat remain in your system

The Finger Lakes Times featured a piece by John E. Norvell ’66, P’99, P’02 on PTSD and the resources available to veterans including the American Institute for Stress and leading expert Dr. Kathy Platoni '74.

The World's Toughest Row

As four Hobart rowers prepare to cross the Atlantic Ocean in “the World’s Toughest Row,” Ryan Mulflur '24 reflects on his decision to attend HWS, his passion for the sport and the challenges of long-distance racing.

Minnick '19 Named Staff of the Month

College of Western Idaho Academic Advisor and former Americorps educator Denali Minnick '19 was named Staff of the Month by the institution.

Artwork of Wu ’12 Featured in Washington Post

Jenny Wu ’12 and her show “It Depends” at Morton Fine Art headline a recent article in the Washington Post.

"Insightful, engaging, and inspiring" leadership

The Sixth Level, a new book by psychologist and entrepreneur Stacy Feiner ’86 and Professor of Sociology Jack Harris, offers "a compelling guide to compassionate leadership and living an interconnected life," according the Kirkus Review.

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